New Trustees Named

L-R: Susannah Heschel ’73, Christine Elia ’96, and Jean Walshe ’83

L-R: Susannah Heschel ’73, Christine Elia ’96, and Jean Walshe ’83

Trinity College’s Board of Trustees has three new members: Susannah Heschel ’73, Christine Elia ’96, and Jean Walshe ’83.

Heschel, whose Trinity major was religion, holds an M.T.S. degree from Harvard Divinity School and a Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania. She is the Eli Black Professor of Jewish Studies at Dartmouth College. A widely published author, Heschel’s scholarship focuses on Jewish-Christian relations in Germany during the 19th and 20th centuries, the history of biblical scholarship, and the history of anti-Semitism.

Elia consults for digital companies and traditional retailers on multimedia strategies. She is formerly founder and CEO of Closet Couture, a social shopping platform recognized by Vogue, O: The Oprah Magazine, MTV, and others. TechCrunch selected Closet Couture as one of the top start-ups from around the world in 2008. Her prior experience includes work at ABC Entertainment, UPN network, iVillage UK, and The Huffington Post. She received her Trinity degree in art history.

Walshe is president of Trinity’s National Alumni Association. Since graduating from Trinity with a B.A. in economics and in French, she has worked for many prominent financial institutions, including UBS, Credit Suisse, and Manufacturers Hanover. Currently with J.P. Morgan Asset Management in New York City, Walshe serves as managing director and client adviser in the Endowments and Foundations Group. Walshe also is a director of the YWCA of the City of New York, whose mission is eliminating racism and empowering women.

Please visit for a full list of Trinity trustees