Along the Walk

Acclaimed concert organist Christopher Houlihan ’09, right, John Rose College Organist-and-Directorship Distinguished Chair of Chapel Music, performs in the Trinity College Chapel with the Hartford Symphony Orchestra during the opening concert of the 2019 Albert Schweitzer Organ Festival Hartford in September 2019.
Photo by John Woike


Senator speaks on gun reform

The Thomas Church Brownell Prize for Teaching Excellence

One Small Step dialogues online

Digital Health CT update

NSF awards for faculty

Women leaders

Welcoming new U.S. citizens

Volunteer Spotlight

Around Hartford

Trinity Treasure

Mellon grant

Recent Publications

New TCAA Executive Committee Members

Athletics Hall of Fame

We want to hear from you! The Trinity Reporter welcomes letters related to items published in recent issues. Please send remarks to the editor at or Sonya Adams, Office of Communications, Trinity College, 300 Summit Street, Hartford, CT 06106.

Due to a data maintenance issue, an obituary for Thomas O. Mitchell ’66 ran in error in the “In Memory” section of the fall 2019 issue of The Trinity Reporter. He is not deceased.
Xiangming Chen’s first name was misspelled in the “Positively Pivotal” feature in the printed edition of the spring 2019 issue of The Trinity Reporter.
We regret these errors.


magazine cover
A new, color-changing neon sign welcomes patrons to Cinestudio, the on-campus independent movie theater celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. Photo by Helder Mira

Advocates for equality
These alumni work to empower women
Women at the Summit: 50 Years of Coeducation at Trinity College

Celebrating Cinestudio
The student-founded movie theater marks 50 years on campus

Breakthroughs in treating genetic illnesses
Holmes Morton, M.D., IDP’79 dedicates career to Amish, Mennonite children

From student to staff member
Young alumni pay it forward as Trinity employees

We are the Class of 2023
Catching up with six members of Trinity’s Bicentennial Class

The campaign for Trinity athletics
Fundraising effort ‘will impact every student and team’


Creating a curriculum with tomorrow in mind

Photo by Julie Bidwell

The auditorium in McCook was packed. Some faculty members stood along the edges of the room, and others perched on the steps at the ends of the rows. Faculty meetings aren’t always so well attended, but this one in November was especially important, and professors from all parts of the college and at all stages of their careers turned out. The occasion: a vote on the first major revision to Trinity’s curriculum in more than a decade.

Continue reading “Endnote”