Category Archives: Simsbury Public Library

James Hammond Trumbull

Trumbull, James Hammond. Indian Names of Places, etc., in and on the Borders of Connecticut. Hartford, CT: Brown & Gross, 1881

Trumbull provides a lengthy list of native place names used within Connecticut. The author includes place names such as Congamuch, Massaco, Tunxis, Wheataug and several others whose use he claims was by natives of the Farmington Valley.

John C. Huden

Huden, John Charles. Indian Place Names of New England. New York, Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, 1962.

In his work, John Huden compiles an extensive list of native place names that he was able to collect within New England. Huden additionally provides English translations or extensive explanations of the terms, along with general modern day location and what tribe most likely used the term. Included in this list are place names, such as Massaco, Manahanoose, Tunxis, Wepansock, Pautonk and many more.

Forrest Morgan

Morgan, Forrest. Connecticut as a Colony and as a State, or One of the Original Thirteen. Hartford, CT: Publishing Society of Connecticut, 1904.

Morgan unfortunately does not mention Simsbury or the Massacoes in his history. What is written about is a general history of Connecticut, with important facts such as native population in Farmington and Connecticut, and the relationship western tribes had with the Iroquois.

H.G. Hollister

Hollister, G. H. The History of Connecticut from the First Settlement of the Colony to the Adoption of the Present Constitution. New Haven, CT: Durrie & Peck, 1855.

Hollister’s historical compilation is inclusive of the history of Connecticut from its settlement to about the time of the book’s first publication. Besides providing background history to the Connecticut River Valley, Hollister provides descriptions of the settlements of both Simsbury, and its direct neighbor, Farmington. Hollister mentions the contact between the settlers and the natives.

John E. Ellsworth

Ellsworth, John E. Simsbury, Being a Brief Historical Sketch of Ancient and Modern Simsbury 1642-1932. Simsbury, CT: The Simsbury Committee for the Tercentenary, 1935.

Ellsworth writes a history of Simsbury, and includes important information about the settlement of Simsbury and the natives of the area. The natives are written about in some detail, with paths, village locations, local native legends, relationships with specific natives, etc.

Charles W. Burpee

Burpee, Charles W. Burpee’s The Story of Connecticut. New York, NY: The American History Co., 1939.

Burpee writes a basic history about the history of Connecticut. What is most relevant to the Massacoes in this work is the history of the surrounding western Connecticut tribes. Burpee provides a good historical context to the history of the Massacoes.