Category Archives: Wethersfield

Henry R. Stiles

Stiles, Henry R. The History of Ancient Windsor. Vol. 1. Hartford, CT: Press of the Case, Lockwood, and Brainard, 1891.


Stiles’ lengthy work includes not only the history of Windsor, but also the histories of all areas that surround Windsor in the Connecticut River Valley. Stiles includes important and useful quotes from letters and court decisions related to the settlement of Simsbury, and the natives in that territory.

Karen Coody Cooper

Cooper, Karen Coody. They Have Seized Upon Our Country: The Wangunk of Wethersfield. n.d.

Although Cooper does not specifically discuss the Massacoe, she shares a history of the Connecticut River Valley natives. The author’s most relevant points deal with disease at the time of native-settler contact, and its toll on the native population. Cooper finds her information from letters, journals, reports, etc.

Karen Coody Cooper

Cooper, Karen Coody. “Connecticut Indians: Early and Now.” The New England Social Studies Bulletin, 1986.

Cooper provides a general history of the settlement of the Connecticut River Valley. Along with providing information on first contact between natives and settlers, Cooper also helps to differentiate between the different tribes. Important historical context is provided that helps understanding the movements happening not far from Simsbury.

Harold Clayont Bradshaw

Bradshaw, Harold Clayont. The Indians of Connecticut: The Effect of English Colonization and of Missionary Activity on Indian Life in Connecticut. Deep River, CT: New Era Press 1935.

Bradshaw writes extensively of most tribes that could have been found in Connecticut and how English settlement affected them. What is most intriguing in this work is Bradshaw’s estimate on population for the Podunks, Wangunks, and Windsor and Hartford tribes.

Charles W. Burpee

Burpee, Charles W. Burpee’s The Story of Connecticut. New York, NY: The American History Co., 1939.

Burpee writes a basic history about the history of Connecticut. What is most relevant to the Massacoes in this work is the history of the surrounding western Connecticut tribes. Burpee provides a good historical context to the history of the Massacoes.