Add Participants (including TAs & Auditors)

Students registered in a course are automatically added by Moodle, but teaching assistants and mentors need to be added manually to the course.

To add a TA, auditor or additional faculty member to a course:

  1. Click the “Participants” link in the horizontal navigation menu under the course name in the top of your screen.

  1. On the next participants screen, Click the “Enrol users” button on the right.
  2. Set the role you want the student to have in the drop-down list next to “Assign roles” as follows:
    1. Teachers can do anything within a course, including changing the activities and grading students.
    2. Non-editing teachers can teach in courses and grade students, but may not alter activities.
    3. Non-grading TAs can do everything Teachers can do except view, modify or edit grade items.
  3. Enter the individual’s name or email in the search field.
  4. When done, click Enrol users.
  5. The users you just added should now appear in the participant list.