What’s New in Moodle 4.1

While there are many changes in this new version of Moodle, by far the most obvious is the navigation menus and icons.

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Video Overview
The New Dashboard
Course Pages
For More Information

Video Overview of Changes

The new Dashboard

You will notice things have moved around on the Dashboard.

  • The old dashboard is on the left below and the new on the right.
  • The Course Overview Block now has been moved to its own tab.
  • Blocks that were displayed on the right hand side of the page are still there but now collapsed by default in the block drawer.
  • You will also see a button to turn editing on and off at the top right of every page.
Current Dashboard
New Dashboard

Course site pages

In your course site you will see a number of cosmetic changes:

  • You can open and collapse the navigation menu on the left, and the block drawer on the right.
  • The Kaltura Media Gallery is now in the block drawer on the right side of the page (used to be on the left)
  • Click My Courses to go back to the list of your courses.
  • The settings icon is replaced with the settings link
  • Participants and grades can be found in this same navigation menu rather than in the left hand navigation menu.
  • There are all new icons for files and activities.

For more information

To read more about the new features in the latest version of Moodle: