Bear Mountain Sign-up

mystery_locationSome of you have talked to me or Jon about the upcoming Bear Mountain trip (see earlier post). To keep better track of all you interested guys I created an on-line form, which you can access here.
If you’d  like to go on the trip, please complete the form even if you have told us already in person.

To bring a little bit of excitement to your life
No, the picture at the top of this post is not a picture of Bear Mountain. The first one who tells me the correct location of the scene above will win a fabulous prize: one of the leftover ENVS T-shirts.
ENVS faculty cannot participate! For all you alumni who will probably read this post next month: The first correct alumni that arrives after the monthly digest goers out wins a T-shirt as well. Prizes are limited to T-shirts on-hand.

Fall 2013 – New England upland backpacking trip – Sage’s Ravine, Bear Mountain

October 12-14, 2013
contacts/more info:
Christoph Geiss, Jon Gourley or Joan Morrison

Jon on Bear MountainLimited space available!  Priority will be given to ENVS majors/minors and new students considering the ENVS major.  Limited backpacking equipment is available from ENVS.

Three days/ two nights backpacking/hiking trip to the highest elevations in Connecticut in the southern Berkshires.  Topics will include:

  • Upland New England forest biomes
  • Geology of the Taconic mountain building event
  • Low impact back country camping/cooking.
  • Triple corner of MA, CT and NY…be in three states at once!
  • Highest point on Connecticut – guess what…it’s not the top of a mountain!!??

This year will be the first trip of the new ENVS fall field trip series.  We plan to lead a trip each fall that will feature a new location/ new environment.  Our future trips may explore coastal processes on Cape Cod or watershed management strategies as we paddle the Delaware water gap.   All trips will focus on relevant environmental/ecology/earth science topics as well as outdoor/backcountry living.  These trips will be a taste of what we do on our larger summer field trips.  The cost of this trip is free but you may need to purchase or borrow personal equipment such as backpacks, headlamps and proper clothing.

Tuesday = McCookoutday

By now most of our research students have left campus and August promises to be a quiet month. McCookout will therefore take a break and go on vacation until September. Come next Fall, however, McCookout will return in full force. Every Tuesday at noon we’ll meet in our (not so) new spot in the McCook parking lot to enjoy good food, including a dinosaur cake or two (it’s a potluck – so plan ahead! Or all we get is stale chips and some moldy leftover rolls) and good conversations. We’re all looking forward to seeing you in September, catch up on the news and enjoy some bratwurst and bean burgers.

Last Call for Fleece Jackets!

Last call for or 2013 limited edition ENVS fleece jacket. Since I sent you all the details in a previous e-mail I am keeping it short and sweet. We’ll be ordering a Patagonia Microsynchilla fleece jacket. It comes in two styles (male / female), four colors, and half a dozen sizes. Cost is 55 bucks for students and 75 bucks for everybody else (list price is $100.00 – so everybody gets a deal). The jackets will have the ENVS logo embroidered on the chest.
I’d like to order them before I go on vacation, so the deadline for your order is Friday 7/26/2013. Follow this link to place your order and send a check to Trinity ENVS. For any questions – send me an e-mail.

Monsoonal McCookout

Torrential rains could not deter us this morning to meet for McCookout. Cameron plus students were in the field, and Christoph had to yield the picnic table on the life science quad to the janitors, but soon enough the coals were lit on the original McCookout site: The McCook Patio.
Unfortunately, within minutes, it started to rain and a few minutes later McCookout turned Monsoonout. Luckily, a little bit of rain hasn’t really hurt anybody yet, and lunch in front of the McCook auditorium was delicious!