Procedures for 2014–2015 Senior Theses
Students writing senior theses in the History Department enroll in History 498-01 during the Fall semester. This course is a senior thesis research seminar taught by Prof. Darío Euraque, Chair of the Department. In the spring, students work independently to complete the researching and writing of an historical paper of up to 150 pages. A public presentation of the theses will take place in Seabury 215 on Thursday, May 1, 2014.
Senior Thesis Application Procedure
All juniors who would like to write a full-year senior thesis during the senior year must submit a thesis proposal. Applicants will be notified in writing of acceptance by the Department Chair by the end of the Spring semester. (more…)
Deadline Approaching:Undergrad Research Grants from CUGS
“The Kenneth S. Grossman ’78 Global Studies Fund, established in honor of Professor Eugene E. Leach, supports student investigations of global issues that confront humankind in the 21st century. Examples of such issues include human rights, peacekeeping, the preservation of the ecosphere, migrations and diasporas, international health standards, and the consequences of revolutionary advances in information technology and bioengineering. All students undertaking investigations in global issues for a Trinity course or under the supervision of a Trinity faculty member are eligible to apply for grants from the Grossman Fund to attend conferences, visit libraries, conduct fieldwork, or offset other research-related expenses. A faculty committee meets each year in April to evaluate applications, and to determine the amount of grants. The maximum grant in 2011 will be $1,000. Students awarded grants are expected to make use of their funding by September of the following year, or, in the case of seniors, by graduation, and to submit a report to the Center for Urban and Global Studies describing the activities made possible by the grant. All applications should be submitted to Anne Lundberg ( at the Center for Urban and Global Studies by April 9, 2012. The next round of grant competition will be held in April 2013.”