Customizing course layout

The home page for a course is divided into course sections and blocks. The center column contains the course sections, usually organized either by week or topic. Resources (such as PDFs or other files), activities (such as forums), and assessment (such as quizzes, tests, or assignment dropboxes) can be added to the individual sections. Continue reading “Customizing course layout”

Collecting student observations using the Feedback activity

Feedback activities are the most efficient method within Moodle for collecting observations from students about the course, topics, or specific assignments. This feedback can be set to have names attached or be done anonymously, and uses many of the same question methods as quizzes, allowing instructors to provide a variety of multiple-choice or open-ended responses. The results can be restricted to teacher-view only, or shown to the entire class. It differs from the Survey tool in that it allows you to write your own questions, rather than choose from a list of pre-written questions, and unlike Moodle Quizzes, you can create non-graded questions. Continue reading “Collecting student observations using the Feedback activity”