Bird banding at Two Rivers Magnet School

BirdbandingLast month Professor Morrison and her students conducted the annual spring bird banding event with 6th-8th grade students at the 2 Rivers Magnet Middle School, in East Hartford.  This activity provides a unique opportunity for students to learn scientific methodology for studying birds, about the natural environment surrounding them, and more about the birds themselves.  Prof. Morrison and her students have been banding birds at 2RMMS since 2002, once in fall and once in spring.  This week’s best capture was a Northern Flicker!

weighing birds

bird bandingflickerbird banding

The Perks of Volunteering

Last week I spent an afternoon at a nearby elementary school teaching 3rd graders about rocks. The already knew about the rock cycle, but their hand samples were pretty mediocre – pebble size, maybe. So I loaded up our cart with a couple hundred pounds of rocks  and spent the afternoon teaching those kids on “How to become a rock-detective”. It was fun and I got some cool thank-you letters back. Mackenzie clearly remembered what volcanic bombs look like:volcanic bomb
The students wrote thank you letters and asked follow up questions. Here are a few:

Q: What is your favorite rock?
A: A blue schist from Russian River, CA

Q: On a scale from 1 to 1,000,0000 how much do you like your job?
A: 999,980 (nothing is perfect, but some things come close)

Q: What do you teach those College kids?
A: Lots of stuff: Geology, Physics, Climatology, how to do research and plenty more

Q: How much money do you make?
A: Enough to feed my wife, kids, two dogs, and a cat.

Q: What do you do all day?
A: I teach, do research, visit nosy 3rd graders, spend too much time in meetings.

And, finally, I received an awesome portrait, drawn by an amazing artist.awesome portrait
I must say my new friend Angelo got it right: flannel shirt, rolled up sleeves, beard, glasses, rock cart (note the ripple marks on the sandstone!!) – the works.


ENVS Program Featured in Recent Newsletter of the Connecticut Geological Society


OK, this time for real :-)
(we’re not that lame to try the same joke twice, and 4/13 would be a bit late anyway…)

After hosting the annual meeting of the Connecticut Geological Society (CGS) last Fall our program is featured in the current CGS newsletter. For the high-res version you can click here, all you guys with prehistoric low bandwidth connections (like me) can access the low-res version here. You can skip right to pages 4 and 5 to read about our program.
If you read the entire thing, which is highly recommended, you’ll notice that the society organized a spring fieldtrip to the metamorphic rocks of western Connecticut this weekend. Jon and Christoph enjoyed a beautiful day in the field, stood on the oldest dated rock in Connecticut and, among other fine specimens, looked at Candlewood Granite, a “highly foliated granite” that others might safely describe as a gneiss – but I spare you the long-winded discussions we had about the naming of rocks. This time it was a granite, but it was certainly a gneiss one!

Multiflora – Here we come!

Cemetery Brook swampThis week students in Biological Invasions (ENVS 220L) began to map invasive species in a nearby natural area adjacent to Cemetery Brook and Hartford’s Hooker Environmental Science magnet school. Students will spend several weeks mapping and quantifying invasive plants that are present at the site, and then develop a management plan that will ultimately be passed on to the school, a local non-profit and the city of Hartford who hope to restore the site.  Stay tuned for updates on the progress of this exciting project, and to find out if Jenna, Sarah and Cristina ever made it out of the dreaded multiflora rose-ringed swamp of no return!

Trinity ENVS Program Made it into the New York Times!

ENVS made it into the science timesHooray! Trinity’s ENVS program is featured on today’s Science Times page. We couldn’t tell you about it but last week Cameron had a little phone interview with with Tara Xacum, a science reporter from the New York Times to talk about his ground breaking research on invasive dandelions. To make it even better: they picked one of Christoph’s pictures to go with the article. No we didn’t get any royalties, but fame is priceless! You can check out the article here:

ENVS Faculty Participate in Treehouse Lecture Series

Hammonasset State ParkIn April Christoph Geiss and Joan Morrison will both give lectures or lead discussions at the Treehouse. On April 8th Christoph will give an introduction to landscape photography, sharing some advice and enjoying the excuse to show cool pictures. On April 22nd Joan will lead a discussion on the connection between “Environmental Health and Human Health“. We hope to see you all.

Yes, for all you bird folks out there: these are “sanderlings” a migratory bird species fattening up on Long Island Sound before heading back north to their breeding grounds in northern Canada. Who says a geologist can’t do birds. :-)

ENVS Program Participates in Hartford’s 2014 Great American Cleanup


Trinity’s ENVS program will participate in the 2014 Great American Cleanup. The details are still a bit murky, but Cameron volunteered us to pick up trash and eradicate invasives around the pond at Pope Park. On Saturday April 19th we plan on spending the morning at the park, do some good and end the half day of hard labor with a picnic or barbecue.
Contact Cameron or Christoph if you are interested in joining us on. Pope Park will provide trash and invasive plants, ENVS will provide transportation, gloves, tools and the food afterwards, and you provide the labor. Everybody wins!

First McCookout of the Semester a Great Success

McCook 121- party centralDespite strong winds and freezing temperatures the first McCookout of the season was a full success. Cameron, Justin and Dan lit the coals and provided lots of food that was eagerly awaited in the geology lab. About twenty majors and new students met over lunchtime to chat, eat, discuss classes and declare their majors. With Spring finally in the (extended) forecast we hope to make McCookout a weekly event for the rest of the semester.

dan on the grill

The real reason why dan volunteered to do the barbecue

And the prize for best hair goes to ...

And the prize for best hair goes to …

No food in the lab!

No food in the lab!