ENVS Students Aid in Maple Avenue Clean-up

On May 6th approximately fifteen environmental science students joined the Maple Avenue Revitalization Group and assisted in their annual spring cleaning efforts.

Our group and Maple Avenue neighbors at the beginning of the event.

Our group and Maple Avenue neighbors at the beginning of the event.

Joining the effort was a challenge, since the event started on a Saturday morning, practically at the crack of dawn (9 AM). The weather was overcast and drizzly but cooperated and the big rains held off long enough to collect a considerate amount of trash.

Jackie posing with some of the collection.

Jackie posing with some of the collection.

A little bit of rain did nothing to dampen the spirits.

A little bit of rain did nothing to dampen the spirits.

We received a big thanks from our old friend Hyacinth Yennie who is already making plans for next year.

Christoph’s First-Year Seminar Exhibits Photographs at KNOX Parks’ Harvest Market

E-M1_212This Saturday Christoph’s first-year seminar presented the fruits of its semester-long photography project at the annual Knox Parks Foundation harvest Market. The students had been learning about the role of nature photography in conservation efforts and complemented their classroom work by visiting several community gardens in Hartford and taking pictures.E-M1_264KNOX Parks was nice enough to give us a large corner of their greenhouse to display our images and to set up a little information table where we told visitors about the project Alley and Noelle did an amazing job distributing our catalogs, and everybody had a good time, enjoying the music of several bands, sampling local food (it was Cecilia’s first exposure to Mac and Cheese) and meeting up with some of their photography subjects.

image by Josselyn Zaldivar

image by Josselyn Zaldivar

E-M1_250Christoph was also busy recruiting potential speakers for next year’s 149 class. So, all-in-all it was a great success.E-M1_245Here are a few examples of our artwork:

image by Cecilia Wang

image by Cecilia Wang

image by Noelle Casey

image by Noelle Casey

image by Jarrod Swain

image by Jarrod Swain

image by Madi Guay

image by Madi Guay

image by Jake Mores

image by Jake Mores

group portrait by Emily Hamilton

group portrait by Emily Hamilton

Bird banding at Two Rivers Magnet School

BirdbandingLast month Professor Morrison and her students conducted the annual spring bird banding event with 6th-8th grade students at the 2 Rivers Magnet Middle School, in East Hartford.  This activity provides a unique opportunity for students to learn scientific methodology for studying birds, about the natural environment surrounding them, and more about the birds themselves.  Prof. Morrison and her students have been banding birds at 2RMMS since 2002, once in fall and once in spring.  This week’s best capture was a Northern Flicker!

weighing birds

bird bandingflickerbird banding

Pope Park Clean-up

E-M1__2805_DxO_700On April 19th about twenty ENVS students volunteered their time to clean up a portion of Pope Park. We met at McCook Hall at around 9AM and headed down to the site, where the Friends of Pope Park welcomed us with an impressive breakfast buffet.

So rather than stuffing leaves into trash cans we stuffed ourselves with muffins, fruit, granola bars and cookies. Finally we got to work: a few of us picked up trash around the perimeter, others took to shovels and rakes to remove the traces pf last week’s fair: tire

E-M1__2836_DxO_700tracks of the heavy machinery that carried the carnival rides. A small flower bed at the entrance of the park yielded an astonishing amount of leaves. It took five of us all morning to get it cleaned out.
E-M1__2820_DxO_700Due to the cold spring there weren’t many invasive species to be had, so Cameron and friends cleaned out the little pond and found the main prize: a very nice shopping cart and a brand-new cooler.
E-M1__2846_DxO_700After three hours of work we returned back to Trinity where we had a celebratory barbecue to finish off the day.E-M1__2860_DxO_700

E-M1__2862_DxO_700Yes, the chocolate cakes were delicious!

Multiflora – Here we come!

Cemetery Brook swampThis week students in Biological Invasions (ENVS 220L) began to map invasive species in a nearby natural area adjacent to Cemetery Brook and Hartford’s Hooker Environmental Science magnet school. Students will spend several weeks mapping and quantifying invasive plants that are present at the site, and then develop a management plan that will ultimately be passed on to the school, a local non-profit and the city of Hartford who hope to restore the site.  Stay tuned for updates on the progress of this exciting project, and to find out if Jenna, Sarah and Cristina ever made it out of the dreaded multiflora rose-ringed swamp of no return!

ENVS Program Participates in Hartford’s 2014 Great American Cleanup


Trinity’s ENVS program will participate in the 2014 Great American Cleanup. The details are still a bit murky, but Cameron volunteered us to pick up trash and eradicate invasives around the pond at Pope Park. On Saturday April 19th we plan on spending the morning at the park, do some good and end the half day of hard labor with a picnic or barbecue.
Contact Cameron or Christoph if you are interested in joining us on. Pope Park will provide trash and invasive plants, ENVS will provide transportation, gloves, tools and the food afterwards, and you provide the labor. Everybody wins!