Summer Internship Opportunities

While at a meeting at the CT Department of Agriculture last Thursday I met a few farmers who are still looking for summer interns. One even gave me his card: Jamie Jones from Jones Family Farms in Shelton, CT offers paid internships and housing for the summer. Jobs include selling agricultural products as well as work on the farm (weeding !). Come and see me in case you are interested. There might be more. Let me know whether you are interested and I’ll ask around.


New ENVS Brochure Proves Beyond a Doubt: Our Students can Walk on Water!

After serving us well for the past ten years, our ENVS brochure received a major face lift this morning. Just in time for the major’s fair Christoph spent a couple of hours updating major and minor requirements and removing ancient faculty from our list of instructors. Along the way the brochure also got new student images, including the one shown below that proves without a doubt that our students can walk on water:
Danny Lofrese walks on water

The major’s fair was a full success: over twenty students came by to ask about the ENVS major and minor. Jon, Cameron and I spent an enjoyable lunch hour in the Washington Room answering questions, promoting the major, and stealing candy from the “formal organizations” table.

Cameron and Jon hard at workCameron and Jon hard at workYes, you may have noted that Cameron and Jon do most of the talking. They needed practice – and I didn’t want to embarrass them with my awesome German accent. :-).

Nevertheless: Cameron made out well with his delicious vegetarian sandwich from First and Last – a giant step up from his talk on Friday, where Elizabeth tried to poison him with ham.
a delicious veggie sandwichOh, yes, you can check out our new brochure here.


First McCookout of the Semester

with images from guest paparazzi Elizabeth Simon

Rain or shine, a handful of ENVS students and faculty met this Tuesday under the trees behind McCook for the first McCookout. Iver sabotaged a greater turnout by announcing that the event was cancelled due to inclement weather. More food for us!cheesecake_happinessHere Jon demonstrates that cheese in the form of cheese cake and cheese burgers equals happiness, while Cameron’s veggie burger experience seemed less satisfying.
unhappy_veggie_burgerJoan is talking to new students (in the back), while Cameron’s face is reminiscent of Colby Tucker’s face after trying dried fish in Iceland for the very first time (it’s an acquired taste – believe me). But judge for your self: first Cameron …
dried_fish_anyonethen Colby:
106 Thingvellir - Colby trying dried fish… what else is there to say. The negative effects of too many veggies can also be seen with Christoph, whose two carrot vampire teeth leave Helen rather unimpressed:carrot vampireto be continued …

Bear Mountain Sign-up

mystery_locationSome of you have talked to me or Jon about the upcoming Bear Mountain trip (see earlier post). To keep better track of all you interested guys I created an on-line form, which you can access here.
If you’d  like to go on the trip, please complete the form even if you have told us already in person.

To bring a little bit of excitement to your life
No, the picture at the top of this post is not a picture of Bear Mountain. The first one who tells me the correct location of the scene above will win a fabulous prize: one of the leftover ENVS T-shirts.
ENVS faculty cannot participate! For all you alumni who will probably read this post next month: The first correct alumni that arrives after the monthly digest goers out wins a T-shirt as well. Prizes are limited to T-shirts on-hand.