Bear Mountain Sign-up

mystery_locationSome of you have talked to me or Jon about the upcoming Bear Mountain trip (see earlier post). To keep better track of all you interested guys I created an on-line form, which you can access here.
If you’d  like to go on the trip, please complete the form even if you have told us already in person.

To bring a little bit of excitement to your life
No, the picture at the top of this post is not a picture of Bear Mountain. The first one who tells me the correct location of the scene above will win a fabulous prize: one of the leftover ENVS T-shirts.
ENVS faculty cannot participate! For all you alumni who will probably read this post next month: The first correct alumni that arrives after the monthly digest goers out wins a T-shirt as well. Prizes are limited to T-shirts on-hand.

Fall 2013 – New England upland backpacking trip – Sage’s Ravine, Bear Mountain

October 12-14, 2013
contacts/more info:
Christoph Geiss, Jon Gourley or Joan Morrison

Jon on Bear MountainLimited space available!  Priority will be given to ENVS majors/minors and new students considering the ENVS major.  Limited backpacking equipment is available from ENVS.

Three days/ two nights backpacking/hiking trip to the highest elevations in Connecticut in the southern Berkshires.  Topics will include:

  • Upland New England forest biomes
  • Geology of the Taconic mountain building event
  • Low impact back country camping/cooking.
  • Triple corner of MA, CT and NY…be in three states at once!
  • Highest point on Connecticut – guess what…it’s not the top of a mountain!!??

This year will be the first trip of the new ENVS fall field trip series.  We plan to lead a trip each fall that will feature a new location/ new environment.  Our future trips may explore coastal processes on Cape Cod or watershed management strategies as we paddle the Delaware water gap.   All trips will focus on relevant environmental/ecology/earth science topics as well as outdoor/backcountry living.  These trips will be a taste of what we do on our larger summer field trips.  The cost of this trip is free but you may need to purchase or borrow personal equipment such as backpacks, headlamps and proper clothing.

ENVS Students Test the Waters: Worldwide

By guest blogger Joan Morrison:Once again, our majors have been called upon to conduct some serious testing of waters in China, Cambodia, and Laos, on the summer study abroad program “River Cities of Asia.”  Well, not called upon by the governments (not yet anyway!) but by professors leading our trip.  Renee, Sakile, Rose and Shaina can show you how it’s done and even look like they’re having fun testing the muddy Mekong!

ENVS 350 slide show now on-line

OK, it took me a while, but here are some of my slides from this year’s ENVS field trip to Utah. Enjoy!

While sitting around the campfire we also decided that next year we will return to Iceland (Christoph and Jon will figure out the details over the summer) and, since we already froze our butts off in Utah, we’ll get ourselves ENVS fleece jackets. We don’t know what they will look like, but we know they will be awesome!


ENVS 350 returns from Utah


Yep that describes it pretty well. From blown van tires, death marches in the blazing hot sand, spiders with eyes the size of your head, impressive vistas from the shower stalls of the Grand Canyon, to amazing food served by chefs Jon and Christoph: this year’s trip had it all.
The ENVS 350 class spent 10 days in Zion and Bryce, tried to buy food in Tropic, UT (Christoph cornered the market on hamburger), learned all “about my country” (Venezuela), drove way too few gravel roads,  froze their butts off at 8500 feet, camped out in the Escalante Grand Staircase, failed to reach Sam Pollock’s Arch, and finally experienced the breathtaking vistas of the North Rim. More pictures  will follow once I get them all processed.

Our last campfire in Valley of the Fire State Park

ENVS Senior Seminar Field Trip to Cape Cod

by guest blogger (novelist) Joan Morrison

See what too much fresh air can do to you?

The final event of the Spring 2013 ENVS senior seminar, which focused on aquaculture, was a trip to Cape Cod to learn about shellfish production there.  All senior ENVS majors and minors, along with ENVS professors Morrison and Gray drove to the Cape on the last weekend in April.  Our host was Ryan Burch, a Trinity alum (’98) and shellfish specialist who now lives in and works for the Town of Brewster, MA.

Dinner at Ryan and Juliet's house. Thank you!

Upon our arrival on the Cape on Friday night, Ryan and his wife Juliet generously hosted us at their home, for a wonderful dinner of tortilla soup.  And the fruit-dip dessert was extra special because of the secret ingredient (we know but are not telling)!  Some of the older ENVS sleeping bags proved to be less than sufficient during our cold night at Sweetwater Forest Campground, but when we awoke, Sam and Saam quickly took care of the morning chill by successfully starting a roaring fire despite really damp wood.  Breakfast was eagerly consumed by cold and hungry students.

Frosty breakfast at Sweetwater Forest Campground.

Everyone was so efficient that we were already packed and ready to go when Ryan arrived at our campsite at 0700 on Saturday morning.  First stop, the tidal flats at the Town of Brewster to visit the town’s shellfish farm, which Ryan oversees.  The beach and tidal flats were spectacular at that hour and given the really low tide.  Ryan showed us the cages where larger oysters were growing out, students marveled at the variety of interesting creatures present on the tidal flats, and Ned scared us all with a giant sea worm.

Across the tidal flats.

After the tidal flats the java and breakfast sandwiches at Brewster’s premier coffee shop, Jomama’s, were mighty welcome.  From there we drove out of Brewster for a tour of the hatchery at the Aquaculture Research Center.  This facility produces most of the shellfish used in aquaculture on Cape Cod, as well as the small shellfish used by towns for seeding operations.  Manager Dick Kraus showed us tanks where oyster larvae were growing and explained how the largest and most complicated part of their business was growing the food that the shellfish larvae eat. Those little guys go through enormous amounts of diatoms and phytoplankton, daily!

Tanks with oyster larvae - Aquaculture Research Center (ARC)

The sobering complexities of a local environmental issue really hit home when Dick told us about the controversy over ARC’s desire to erect a wind turbine to provide power.  A turbine would help reduce the hatchery’s current $5000 per month electric bill, which Dick said is really putting pressure on their business.  However, to date, local residents have prevented the wind turbine mostly because of concerns about having to look at it.  Local shellfish producers are really concerned about the future of ARC as the main supplier of oyster and quahog seed on the Cape; “No more ARC would mean the end of aquaculture on Cape Cod,” one local fisherman said. “It’s really an essential thing for aquaculture.”

Oyster food - ARC

on the beach again


Sam taking notes for the non-existent final exam

oyster cages

Following a short drive along the beautiful southern Cape beaches, we stopped at the harbormaster’s facility in Chatham, where the Aquaculture Specialist for the Town’s Shellfish Department provided information about the next step in producing shellfish – the land-based upwellers.


After a delicious lunch of clam strips and onion rings, we visited the final stop on our tour – the Wellfleet Shellfish Company.  There, manager Ron gave us an overview of what happens to all the clams, oysters, and scallops that are brought to his facility and amazed us with his mastery at keeping track of who brought in what, who ordered shellfish and when they wanted delivery, and the ever changing prices.

Watching shellfish in a monitoring tank - Wellfleet Shellfish Company

The clam sorter was particularly cool – as random clams were fed into the contraption they were sorted, by size, by several whirling cylinders of different diameter (go figure how THAT works!) and dropped unceremoniously into various bins – little necks, cherry stones, top neck, and quahog.  Wonder who invented that one but it sure is efficient!  Finally, after a hard day of watching oysters grow, we made a welcome stop at Coast Guard Beach on the Cape Cod National Seashore, where students took advantage of the sun and warm sand.  What a great trip!  Aside from learning about all steps involved in raising shellfish on the Cape, we sure had fun!

All pooped out!


Professors Gourley and Geiss Join the Party at Spring Weekend…

… a party of geologists that is. Jon and Christoph spent a long Saturday on a field trip highlighting the Quaternary geology of Connecticut. The trip was organized by the Connecticut Geological Society (both Jon and Christoph are founding members!) and led by Dr. Janet Stone who works for the USGS and is the expert on the state’s glacial geology. We could not have wished for a better field trip leader!

Dr. Janet Stone explaining the finer points of Connecticut's glacial geology.

We visited numerous gravel pits to look at glaciofluvial deltas – what, you don’t know what that is? Well, should have joined us on the trip…, looked at sedimentary structures and had a great time in the field. The day ended with a barbecue at Dinosaur State Park, but by that time I was too busy talking to my colleagues to take more photos.

Jon in his second gravel pit of the day.

Forset and topset beds plus a dump truck for scale - what more could one wish for?

Look at these climbing ripples!

Off to the next outcrop. Who would have thought that the Glastonbury bulky waste disposal site holds ...

... such treasures.

the Connecticut River leaves its Mesozoic valley and heads for the hills.

Some of the best glacial varves in the state.

Last stop of the day: the enigmatic pingo scars of Lake Middletown.