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Trinity International Hip-Hop Festival Program, April 7–10, 2016
From its creation in academic year 2005–2005 by a group of Trinity College students as a vehicle to “combat the disunity, segregation, and violence of Hartford, CT and Trinity College,” the Trinity International Hip Hop Festival always has close ties with several History majors and faculty.
One its co-founders, for example, was Jason P. Azevedo ’08, currently a career U.S. Department of State Foreign Service Officer specialized on Africa and Brazil.
Since 2009, History and International Studies Assistant Professor Seth Markle has served as the main academic advisor to Trinity Chapter of Temple of Hip Hop and annual Trinity International Hip Hop Festival.
As the coordinating group has put it, from the beginning the festival’s main strategies and goals have been using a “the historically education-oriented and politically revolutionary medium — Hip Hop – and focusing on its global potency and proliferation, the Trinity International Hip Hop Festival works to unify Trinity College, the city of Hartford, and the Globe.”
This year’s program, includes lectures and panel discussions with a variety of scholars, artists, and community activists; film screenings, graffiti and photo exhibits, workshops, and performances, including Dance Event / B-Boy Battle on Friday, April 8th (7pm–2am), the Saturday April 9th (8pm-2am) Hip Hop Concert, featuring Rakim and several other MCs and DJs. The festival ends on Sunday, April 10th with a DJ showcase and the Iron Poet Slam Competition.
You can find the Festival’s FULL PROGRAM here: 2016 Program for the Trinity International Hip Hop Festival – We hope to see you there!
A Field Trip to Historic Deerfield, MA
On March 9th, Prof. Wickman took undergraduate students enrolled in his seminar course, “HIST 311: Place in the Native Northeast” to Deerfield, MA. Having read scholarship and primary sources related to the 1704 Deerfield Raid prior to their field trip, Prof. Wickman’s seminar students walked around Historic Deerfield to deepen their sense of place there. In the first photograph, Prof. Wickman and his students are standing next to a sycamore tree that stood within the stockade at the time of the raid. The other two photographs (below) show the 18th-century Wells-Thorn House, which the class toured to get a feel for changes in colonial architecture and settler lifestyles in the decades after the raid.
Message from Our Newest Historian: Prof. Jennifer Regan–Lefebvre
The History Department is delighted to welcome our newest member, Professor Jennifer Regan–Lefebvre, whom we recruited last winter through an international search to teach a variety of courses in British and British Imperial history.
Prof. Regan–Lefebvre earned a Ph.D. from Queen’s University Belfast in 2007 and a B.S. from Georgetown University in 2003. She has taught at the University of Exeter, the American University of Paris and the University of Cambridge, where she was a fellow, the Director of Studies in History and the Assistant Tutor at King’s College.
History@Trinity hopes to publish soon excerpts from an interview in which she discusses in detail her research and teaching and her plans for the near future.
In the meantime, Prof. Regan–Lefebvre has kindly provided us with the following statement:
“I am delighted to be joining the History Department at Trinity in 2013 and am looking forward to getting to know students and colleagues at Trinity.
My expertise is in British and British Imperial history and I’m particularly interested in how modern Britain was shaped and affected by the British Empire.
I’ve written a book about relations between Irish and Indian nationalists in the nineteenth century and I’ve also published on the history of travel, race and racism, and the press. I am currently researching a history of the London wine trade since 1800.
In 2013-2014 I’ll be teaching a First Year Program seminar on the history of London (“London: Traditional, Modern and Global”) plus three History courses: “Modern Britain and Imperial Culture,” “Modern Britain since 1750” and “Modern Ireland, Global Ireland.”
I’m originally from Massachusetts but have lived in Europe for eighteen years. I’m very excited to be returning home to New England and am particularly looking forward to watching the leaves change on the Trinity campus this fall.”
NEW History & INTS Course: “Sports, Race & Nationalism”

NEW Fall 2013 History & INTS Course:
Hist. 383 \ INTS 383: Sports, Race & Nationalism
Prof. Luis Figueroa
Wed, 1:15–3:55pm
More Info @ sportshistory.trincoll.edu
This course counts for both History and INTS majors. Therefore, priority seating will be granted to them.
However, please notice that registering in this course requires prior approval by the instructor.
If you’re interested in taking this course, please use the class website’s “Contact Us” page to schedule an interview with Prof. Figueroa during advising week (April 8 – April 12).
Selected students will then be emailed the registration PIN numbers on Friday, April 12th.
Post Grad Internship Opportunity: Match Educatoin
If you are graduating senior with a History Major and interested in pursuing a career in education, the History Dept. urges students to consider this internship opportunity with Match Education. The Match Corps and its sister program, Match Teacher Residency, are ideal for individuals interested in taking a gap year or in transitioning into a career in education. Basically, top-notch college grads serve as tutors and mentors in our schools for one year, and have the option to participate in intense, hands-on teacher training during this residency year.
Prof. Antrim’s “Mapping the Middle East” featured on the Watkinson Library’s Blog
Originally posted on The Bibliophilie’s Lair: The serendipitous discovery of COOL STUFF in the Watkinson
“Several days ago we hosted professor Zayde Antrim’s “Mapping the Middle East” class. The students pick a historical atlas and answer a questionnaire about aspects of what they see. Here is the course description: “This course approaches the history of the Middle East through maps. It will look at the many different ways maps have told the story of the territory we now call the Middle East and the many different points of view that have defined it as a geographical entity. Readings will analyze maps as social constructions and will place mapmaking and map-use in a historical context. We will relate maps to questions of empire, colonialism, war and peace, nationalism, and environmental change.””
Check out The Bibliophile’s Lair HERE.
History Students Go On Bird Viewing Cruise
Professor Wickman took his History 300 class on an eagle cruise on the Connecticut River. Since his history workshop theme is, “History from Above: Birds and People in the New World, 1492-1962,” biology professor Scott Smedley invited his class to join his “Winter Ecology” class on the bird viewing cruise. The boat went south from Haddam, CT, and gave them a chance to see bald eagles, red-tailed hawks, cormorants, mergansers, Canada geese, gulls, and many other birds. Hopefully the experience provided inspiration as the students craft research projects related to changing human relationships with birds!
In the News: The Cities Initiative

“Fueled by a desire to probe the connections between cities in this country and abroad, Trinity has launched a co-curricular initiative this academic year, “Cities: Global Urban Experience across Time & Space.” The lead professors are Dario A. Euraque, professor of history and international studies, and Garth Myers, Paul E. Raether Distinguished Professor of Urban International Studies. The half-credit course (COLL-131-01) is affiliated with 19 courses having urban themes. They include seven first-year seminars.
In Defense of Liberal Arts Education by Prof. Greenberg
On May 1st, Prof. Greenberg engaged in a dialogue about the the merits of liberal arts education, which was published in the New York Times. Specifially it was a response to “The Imperiled Promise of College (April 29th, by Frank Bruni).
“While Frank Bruni is certainly right that college is too expensive and that we need more people to study science, math and engineering, I disagree with him about the lack of value of a humanities degree. Perhaps as a history professor at a liberal arts college, I am being defensive. But while a specific degree in communications or accounting may land you a well-paying job sooner, a liberal arts degree better equips students for the ever-changing job market they face. Many of the jobs today are in fields that hadn’t been invented 10 years ago. Most workers today will change not just jobs but careers several times in their lives. What does one need to succeed, even flourish, in such a market? The ability to think creatively, read critically, construct effective arguments using persuasive evidence, write clearly, remain flexible and look at issues with an open mind. These are skills taught best in broad liberal arts settings — even in majors like philosophy or zoology.”