Giving Extra Time for a Test, Quiz or Assignment

For students with the accommodation of extended test time, you will need to adjust the total time for a test, quiz, and if applicable, an assignment. You may also want to change the time of an exam or assignment for students in a different time zone. This is done easily using a User Override. If you are adjusting for a group of students, use the Group Override option.

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Creating and Using Groups

Creating groups in a Moodle site can be useful in a number of ways: You can create discussion areas for group projects, keep multiple sections of the same course separated, set different due dates for assignments based on group membership, and even create individual research logs by creating a group for each student. Continue reading “Creating and Using Groups”

Adding an Activity

To add an activity or resource, first, turn edit mode on using the button in the top right-hand corner. There are numerous interactive activity modules that you can add to a course section using the “+Add an activity or resource” button, located in the bottom right of each week or topic section.  Some of these activities can be linked directly to the Gradebook for scoring and assessment.

Continue reading “Adding an Activity”

Adding a Resource

A resource is a digital item, such as a file or a link, that a teacher can use to support learning and assessment.  A wide range of resource types are supported in Moodle and are shown in the figure to the right.

Resources are added to a course section during an editing session using the “+Add an activity or resource” button.  Note that more than one resource can be added to a section.

Continue reading “Adding a Resource”

Adding a Forum/Discussion Board to your course

To create a forum, make sure edit mode is turned on, and click the “+Add an activity or resource” button located at the bottom of each week/topic then select forum from the list. You can select a forum type by expanding the “Forum Type” drop down menu in the General section. Continue reading “Adding a Forum/Discussion Board to your course”

Creating a Kaltura Video Quiz

You can easily add questions to a video file using Kaltura and Moodle. You can determine at what point to pause the video and ask a question and set various quiz options.

To get started the video must be in your Kaltura Media Space. You can upload videos directly or you can copy clips from videos linked to your Moodle site into your own space, from a library course reserve for example. You can create the quiz either in Kaltura Media Space or in the Moodle Media Gallery for your course but we recommend starting the quiz in Media Space. Continue reading “Creating a Kaltura Video Quiz”

Collecting student observations using the Feedback activity

Feedback activities are the most efficient method within Moodle for collecting observations from students about the course, topics, or specific assignments. This feedback can be set to have names attached or be done anonymously, and uses many of the same question methods as quizzes, allowing instructors to provide a variety of multiple-choice or open-ended responses. The results can be restricted to teacher-view only, or shown to the entire class. It differs from the Survey tool in that it allows you to write your own questions, rather than choose from a list of pre-written questions, and unlike Moodle Quizzes, you can create non-graded questions. Continue reading “Collecting student observations using the Feedback activity”