Raccoon Challenging Images Rows 7-8

Plain text indicates the location (see corresponding red arrow) of the animal(s) in image; bold text indicates the basis of the identification of the animal(s).

1 ­– Directly behind pile, facing right.  [Single raccoon: this view, somewhat blurred, shows an individual with a thick ringed tail, a black face mask, and an arched back bearing grizzled fur, all of which are characteristic of the raccoon.

2  ­– On pile, with head buried in it.  [Single raccoon: this view, largely obscured by pile material, shows an individual with an arched back bearing grizzled fur and a thick, ringed tail (tail base immediately to the left of the arrowhead), both of which are characteristic of the raccoon.  Note that immediately surrounding images offer clear views of a raccoon.]

3 ­– On pile (two). [Two raccoons: individual on left displays indicative ringed tail, while individual on right shows grizzled, arched back with downward pointing head with dark ear base.]

4 – On front margin of image, facing away from camera. [Single raccoon: black face mask, dark ear base and lighter inner surface of ear, and arched, grizzled back are all characteristic of the raccoon.]

5 – Directly behind pile, facing camera.  [Single raccoon: this partial image, largely masked by pile material shows the arched, grizzled back and lighter inner ear surfaces that characterize raccoons.  Immediate surrounding images show much clearer views of a raccoon.]

6 – On right margin of image, approaching pile.  [Single raccoon: this lateral view (poorly illuminated) shows dark mask around eyes and arched back with grizzled appearance that are characteristic of the raccoon.]