Plain text indicates the location (see corresponding red arrow) of the animal(s) in image; bold text indicates the basis of the identification of the animal(s).
1 – In distant background behind pile, heading away from camera. [Single gray fox: more pronounced degree of contrast between darker dorsal surface and lighter flank and black coloration on the tail are characteristic of the gray versus the red fox.]
2 – In foreground to left of pile, facing right. [Single gray fox: grizzled gray dorsal area to shoulder, contrasting with lighter neck region and flank behind right foreleg is indicative of the gray versus the red fox.]
3 – On pile, facing camera. [Single gray fox: grizzled gray dorsal area to shoulder and back contrasting with lighter neck/chest region is indicative of the gray versus the red fox. The image immediately previous to this one is that of a well-defined gray fox. ]