Red Fox Challenging Images Rows 3-4

Plain text indicates the location (see corresponding red arrow) of the animal(s) in image; bold text indicates the basis of the identification of the animal(s).

1 ­– In background to right of pile, facing right.  [Single red fox:  a view of fox with light color along back and black legs that indicate the red fox versus the gray.]

2 ­– Directly behind pile, facing camera. [Single red fox:  image shows a fox-like animal with light coloration along back and black ear backs that characterize the red fox versus the gray.]

3 ­– Directly behind pile to right, facing camera. [Single red fox:  the animal’s relatively lightly colored back and black legs distinguish it as a red fox.].

4 – Behind pile, walking away from camera. [Single red fox: this is a particularly challenging image, but limited contrast in coloration along back suggests red versus gray fox.  Note that this particular image immediately followed a series of clear red fox images].

5 – Behind pile, running away from camera. [Single red fox: this is a particularly challenging image, but limited contrast in coloration along back suggests red versus gray fox.  Note that this particular image immediately followed a series of clear red fox images].

6 – To left of pile, facing away from camera. [Single red fox: this lateral view depicts the light-colored back and black legs that distinguish the red from the gray fox.]