Domestic Cat Challenging Images Rows 1-2

Plain text indicates the location (see corresponding red arrow) of the animal(s) in image; bold text indicates the basis of the identification of the animal(s).

1 ­– Behind center of pile, facing left.  [Single cat: this view, partially obscured by pile material shows a cat-like body with a slender tail.  Its pigmentation (calico) is different than that of any wild animals encountered.]

2 ­– In front, facing pile. [Single cat: this view depicts a cat-like body with long hind legs, long slender tail, short ears.   Calico fur coloration is unlike that of wild animals.]

3 ­– Behind center of pile, walking to right along fallen log.  [Single cat: obscured by moisture on lens; hindquarters with long legs and tail are cat-like.  Fur color pattern is unlike any wild animal seen in this experiment.]

4 – Rear of pile, facing away from camera; plus one gray fox (yellow arrow).  [Single cat: view depicts a feline posture.  Fur is a darker gray than that of an opossum or raccoon.  Clearly defined images of same cat were captured immediately before and after this image.]

5 –Left background, facing pile.  [Single cat:  this view (challenging due to shadow) shows a cat-like profile (low to ground), with a distinctive round face.  Images immediately surrounding this particular one show a more clearly defined cat.]

6 – In foreground moving toward left. [Single individual: although in a blurred view, this animal appears to be a domestic cat (tabby coloration).]