Domestic Cat Challenging Images Rows 3-4

Plain text indicates the location (see corresponding red arrow) of the animal(s) in image; bold text indicates the basis of the identification of the animal(s).

1 ­– In background to right of pile, facing left.  [Single cat: this view (benefits from enlargement), obscured by shadow, shows a body shape and size that are cat-like.]

2 ­– In background to right of pile, walking to right. [Single cat: this view (benefits from enlargement), obscured by shadow, shows a body shape and size that are cat-like.]

3 ­– On bottom margin of image, facing left.  [Single cat:  this partial view of the anterior end depicts a facial profile and coloration that are clearly cat-like.]

4 – In left foreground, facing away from camera.  [Single cat: this clear image reveals long legs and a tail that resemble those of a domestic cat.  Tabby coloration.]

5 – To left of pile, facing away from camera.  [Single cat: this view of the right shoulder area, with the head pointed downward, appears cat-like.  Enlargement of image helps to clarify this and reveals tabby coloration pattern.]

6 – Directly behind pile on left, facing right. [Single cat: this view largely obscured by pile material shows hind legs and a tail typical of those of a domestic cat.]