Gray Fox Challenging Images Rows 1-2

Plain text indicates the location (see corresponding red arrow) of the animal(s) in image; bold text indicates the basis of the identification of the animal(s).

1 ­– In background to right of pile, facing left.  [Single gray fox: the greater contrast between dorsal surface and flank (as seen here) and the dark tip to the tail is characteristic of the gray versus the red fox.]

2  ­– In background directly behind pile, facing left.  [Single gray fox: grizzled gray back, contrasting with lighter neck region and darker stripe on tail is characteristic of the gray versus the red fox.]

3 ­– In background behind pile, facing left.  [Single gray fox: grizzled gray back, contrasting with lighter neck region and darker stripe on tail is characteristic of the gray versus the red fox.]

4 – On left margin of image, facing left.  [Single gray fox: a partial, poorly illuminated view showing grizzled gray back contrasting with lighter flank region and darker tail tip is characteristic of the gray versus the red fox.]

5 – On right margin of image, facing left.  [Single gray fox: partial view showing contrast between grizzled gray back and lighter neck and flank coloration that is characteristic of the gray fox.  Note the lack of intense black coloration on the front legs as seen in the red fox.]

6 – In foreground, facing right.  [Single gray fox: grizzled gray back, contrasting with lighter neck region and darker stripe on tail is characteristic of the gray versus the red fox.]