Plain text indicates the location (see corresponding red arrow) of the animal(s) in image; bold text indicates the basis of the identification of the animal(s).
1 – At front margin of image frame, facing camera. [Single cottontail rabbit: in this partial view the long ears, overall size, and coloration all are indicative of a cottontail. Images immediately surrounding this one show a more clearly defined cottontail. The dark front edge to the ears suggests that it is a New England versus an eastern cottontail, but see note on distinguishing between these two species.]
2 – At front margin of image frame, facing camera. [Single cottontail rabbit: in this partial view the long ears, overall size, and coloration all are indicative of a cottontail. Images immediately surrounding this one show a more clearly defined cottontail. The dark front edge to the ears suggests that it is a New England versus an eastern cottontail, but see note on distinguishing between these two species.]
3 – At front margin of image frame, facing camera. [Single cottontail rabbit: in this partial view the long ears, overall size, and coloration all are indicative of a cottontail. Images immediately surrounding this one show a more clearly defined cottontail. The dark front edge to the ears suggests that it is a New England versus an eastern cottontail, but see note on distinguishing between these two species.]
4 – In foreground to right of pile. [Single cottontail rabbit: in this image, blurred due to motion, the long ears, overall size, and long hind legs all are indicative of a cottontail. Images immediately surrounding this one show a more clearly defined cottontail. See accompanying note on distinguishing between the New England versus an eastern cottontail.]
5 – On front margin of image, facing camera. [Single cottontail rabbit: in this partial view, the long ears, overall size, and long hind legs all are indicative of a cottontail. Images immediately surrounding this one show a more clearly defined cottontail. See accompanying note on distinguishing between the New England versus an eastern cottontail.]
6 – On front margin of image, facing camera. [Single cottontail rabbit: in this partial view, the long ears, overall size, and long hind legs all are indicative of a cottontail. Images immediately surrounding this one show a more clearly defined cottontail. See accompanying note on distinguishing between the New England versus an eastern cottontail.]