Striped Skunk Challenging Images Rows 3-4

Plain text indicates the location (see corresponding red arrow) of the animal(s) in image; bold text indicates the basis of the identification of the animal(s).

1 ­– On left margin of image, facing left. [Single striped skunk: partial, lateral view showing black and white animal with a bushy tail typical of the striped skunk.]

2 ­– To right of pile, facing away from camera. [Single striped skunk: lateral/posterior view showing black and white animal with a bushy tail characteristic of the striped skunk.]

3 ­– On pile, facing away from camera. [Single striped skunk:  lateral/posterior view showing black and white animal with a bushy tail indicative of the striped skunk.]

4 – In front of pile, facing away from camera. [Single striped skunk:  lateral/posterior view showing black and white animal with a bushy tail indicative of the striped skunk.  Note that this individual shows minimal white coloration.]

5 – Directly behind pile, facing to away from camera. [Single striped skunk: posterior view, largely obscured by pile material, white animal with a bushy tail characteristic of a striped skunk with minimal black pigmentation.]

6 – On pile, orientation not clear (eye glow to right?).  [Single striped skunk: view largely masked by pile material.  Striking black and white coloration is typical of striped skunk.]