Turkey Vulture Challenging Images Rows 1-2

Plain text indicates the location (see corresponding red arrow) of the animal(s) in image; bold text indicates the basis of the identification of the animal(s).

1 ­– In foreground to right of pile, facing pile; plus four crows (yellow arrows).  [Single turkey vulture: view shows the large size, dark brown plumage, and pink coloration of the bare (featherless) head that characterize the turkey vulture.]

2 ­– On the right margin of image, orientation not clear; plus five crows (yellow arrows). [Single turkey vulture: view (extremely limited) shows the dark brown plumage typical of this species.  This particular image is part of a series that includes well-defined views of a turkey vulture.]

3 ­– On pile, facing away from camera; plus two crows (yellow arrows).  [Single turkey vulture: view shows the large size and dark brown plumage that characterize the species. This particular image is part of a series that includes well-defined views of a turkey vulture.]

4 – On pile, facing away from camera; plus three crows (yellow arrows).  [Single turkey vulture: view shows the large size and dark brown plumage that characterize the species. This particular image is part of a series that includes well-defined views of a turkey vulture.]

5 – On pile, facing away from camera; plus four crows (yellow arrows).  [Single turkey vulture: view shows the large size, dark brown plumage, and pink bare head that are indicative of the species. This particular image is part of a series that includes well-defined views of a turkey vulture.]

6 – On pile, facing away from camera. [Single turkey vulture: view shows the large size and dark brown plumage typical for the species. This particular image is part of a series that includes well-defined views of a turkey vulture.]