White-tailed Deer Challenging Images Rows 3-4

Plain text indicates the location (see corresponding red arrow) of the animal(s) in image; bold text indicates the basis of the identification of the animal(s).

1 ­– In background behind pile, facing right.  [Single deer: a challenging view due to poor illumination resulting from distance to camera and masking by vegetation.  Profile’s long legs, arched back, neck, and laterally oriented eye are indicative.]

2 ­– Extreme close-up of head, occupying entire field of view.  [Single deer: characteristic large ears and laterally oriented eyes.]

3 ­– Foreground to right of pile, facing camera.  [Single deer: partial view with characteristic large ears, laterally oriented eyes, black nose, long legs with black hooves.]

4 – On left margin of image, facing right. [Single deer: partial view with characteristic large ears and black nose.]

5 – On left margin of image, facing right. [Single deer: partial view with characteristic large ears and black nose.]

6 – In foreground. [Single deer: partial view focused on the indicative high pelvic region, long legs, and tail with contrasting black and white fur.]