
It is better to look good…

   Posted by: rring   in Uncategorized

There are many books in the Watkinson that relate to design, and I’ve often found that designers are elated when they see such books.  Owen Jones produced one such in 1868 (The Grammar of Ornament), which we have on our shelves; it contains 111 plates (chromolithographs) plus the amazing title page, shown here, and surveys ornamentation used by aboriginal tribes and the peoples of ancient, medieval, and modern Europe and the Middle East.







Here is an example of one plate (in the chapter on medieval ornament) detailing examples from illuminated manuscripts and its accompanying text:

“On plate LXXI the letter N is not surpassed by any example in the subsequent styles we have reproduced.  Here the true purpose of illumination is fulfilled; in every way, it is pure, decorative writing.  The letter itself forms the chief ornament; from this springs a main stem, sweeping boldly from the base, swelling out into a grand volute exactly at the point best adapted to contrast with the angular line of the letter: this is beautifully sustained again by the green volute, which embraces the upper part of the N, and prevents it falling over…”

Want to find the book?  Here:   http://library.trincoll.edu/voyager/shortcut.cfm?BIBID=523645

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