Archive for July, 2015

Tripod 1968-2009We recently received a gift from retired professor Frank Egan of six (6) boxes of old issues of the Tripod (going back to 1968), as well as random issues of some hitherto unknown (at least to us) Trinity student newspapers such as The Trinity Observer (1983-87), The Trident (1983), The Trinity Questioner (1984-85), The Forum (1986-87), and The Other Voice (1994).

We also had about 10 boxes of old Tripods in the basement–and both collections were combined, and are shown here–each pile is a separate year of issues, from 1968-2009. We will be looking for ways to utilize these duplicate copies of the Tripod in the year ahead. We already have TWO archival copies of all of these issues–it is our ongoing mission to make sure we have two complete sets of these publications, as well as digitizing them for our online repository.

It is fascinating to look at these publications and realize that over the decades–over and over–we are dealing with the same issues.

