[Male and female].  “This pretty species enters Louisiana from the south as early as spring appears, at the period when most insects are found closer to the ground, and more about water-courses, than shortly after, when a warmer sun has has invited every leaf and blossom to hail the approach of that season when they all become as brilliant as nature intended them to be.  The little fellow under your eye is then seen flitting over damp places, such as the edges of ponds, lakes, and rivers, chasing its prey with as much activity and liveliness as any other of the delicate and interesting tribe to which it belongs.  It alights on every plant in its way, runs up and down it, picks here and there a small winged insect, and should one, aware of its approach, fly off, pursues it and snatches it in an instant.

I have placed a pair of these Warblers on a handsome species of Iris.  This plant grows in the water, and in the neighborhood of New Orleans, a few miles below that city, where I found it abundantly, and in bloom, in the beginning of April.  Several flowers are produced upon the same stem.  I have not met with it anywhere else, and the name of Louisiana Flag is the one commonly given it.”

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