“You are now presented,kind reader, with a species of Grouse, which, in my humble opinion, far surpasses as an article of food every other land bird which we have in the United States, except the Wild Turkey, when in good condition.  You must not be surprised that I thus express an opinion contradictory to that of our Eastern epicures, who greatly prefer the flesh of the Pinnated Grouse to that of the present species, for I have had abundant opportunity of knowing both . . .

The names of Pheasant and Partridge have been given to the present species by our forefathers, in the different districts where it is found.  To the west of the Alleghanies, and on these mountains, the first name is generally used.  The same appellation is employed in the Middle Districts, to the east of the mountains, and until you enter the State of Connecticut; after which that of Partridge prevails.”

–J. J. Audubon, Ornithological Biography, I (1831), 211 [excerpted].

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