“Whilst residing among the meadows and ploughed fields, these birds feed on insects and small seeds, picking up some gravel at the same time.  Along the rivers, or on the sea-shores, they are fond of running as near the edge of the water as possible, and searching among the drifted leaves and weeds for such insects as are usually found there.  The vibratory motion of their tail is now more perceptible, being quicker.  Their feeble notes are also frequently uttered.  When shot along the shores, their stomachs have been found filled with fragments of minute shells, as well as small shrimps, and other garbage.  When raised by the report of a gun, they rise high, and sometimes fly to a considerable distance; but you may expect their return to the same spot, if you keep yourself concealed for a few minutes.  They are expert fly-catchers, inasmuch as they leap from the ground, and follow insects on the wing for several feet with avidity.  The company of cattle is agreeable to them, so much so, that they walk almost under them in quest of insects.”

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