[Posted by Peter J. Knapp, College Archivist]

The Archives has recently received a gift of books, research papers, published poems and literary correspondence from Dr. Arnold L. Lieber, Trinity College Class of 1959, a distinguished psychiatrist and clinician.  Dr. Lieber retired in 2005 after a career of over 30 years as a psychiatrist in Miami and Miami Beach. He served several years as medical director of the Clinical Neuroscience Center, St. Francis Hospital and Miami Heart Institute, Miami Beach, and was also on the consulting staff of the Mt. Sinai Medical Center, Miami Beach, until his retirement.  During his career Dr. Lieber published many clinical research reports and papers, including studies on biological rhythms.   Included are copies of his books, The Lunar Effect (1978) with 10 foreign editions, and How the Moon Affects You (1996) with three foreign editions.  In addition there are copies of Dr. Lieber’s  poems that have appeared in journals as well as an inscribed copy of his just-published collection of poems entitled Chasing the Muse. The gift also includes a small collection of correspondence with various literary figures such as Allen Ginsburg and Samuel French Morse, formerly a Trinity faculty member, as well as with members of the London school of poets he came to know during a brief sojourn in England during the 1960s.

Dr. Lieber’s interest in biological rhythms complements the pre-1950 research work of Trinity biology professors Thomas H. Bissonnette and J. Wendell Burger already contained in the Archives.  The Lieber gift also contributes to the wide range of archival material documenting the careers of Trinity alumni in various fields.

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